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Rates and Hours

Our base rate for all on-site services is $50/hour, with a minimum 1 hour call-out time.

Pickup and Delivery

For time-consuming services, such as data saves, operating system reloads, and virus removals, we offer a computer pickup and drop-off service. Our technicians will disconnect your machine for you when they take it and reconnect it and set it back up for you when they bring it back. This allows us to work on multiple computers at once, letting us offer these services for a flat fee, saving you time and money. The typical turnaround time on most of these services is between two and three days. Inside the city of Chilliwack, this is a free service. For areas outside the City of Chilliwack, additional travel fees may be applied.

Electronics Recycling

Have a computer, computer equipment or audio-visual gear that isn't working and you want to get rid of? Let us take care of it for you! Inside the city of Chilliwack, this is a free service and does not require that you book any other services with us. For areas outside the City of Chilliwack, additional travel fees may be applied.


Our regular hours are between 9am and 8pm Monday through Saturday. After-hours service calls are available by request, but will be billed at the after-hours rate of $100/hour with a one hour minimum.

Flat Rate Services

We offer the following flat-rate services for off-site services, which include free pick-up and delivery in the City of Chilliwack.

On Site IT support

Does your small business require IT support, but you don't need a full-time IT guy? Let us be your IT department! We offer a wide variety of services to support your technology needs and let you focus on running your business rather than fixing the computers. If you need PC support, Server maintenance and management, or network setup and administration, let us know!

We offer on-call, on-site services at the rate of $50/hour, or we can set up a customized service plan that will meet your needs.

Contact Us today for a quote.

In-Home Technology Services

Computer giving you problems, and you don't want to have to disconnect it and take it to a computer shop, then hook it back up again when you get home? Would you rather have someone come to your home and fix it for you? We can help you with that! We offer a wide variety of in-home services starting at our base rate of $50/hour. If your computer requires a more in-depth servicing, we'll even pick it up and drop it off for you, no extra charge!

If you need help setting up your home theater system, or even programming your VCR, we can help you with that too!

Contact Us today to set up an appointment.


Not sure how to use Windows, Microsoft Office, or another piece of software, or just want to learn something new, and don't want to go to a classroom to do it? We offer one-on-one, in-home training for the flat rate of $50/hour, so you can learn in the comfort of your own home. Just come of with a list of questions, and we will be sure to address them all.

We also offer small group training for your office or organization. You can learn about any computing-related topic you would like, all in the comfort of your own office.

Contact Us today to set up an appointment for one-on one training, or for a quote on small-group training.

Website Development

Are you thinking about putting up a website for your small business, or are you unhappy with your current one?

We can build you a website showcasing your products and services, and get you set up with email addresses too. If you'd like, we'll even host it for you! Hosting packages start at $10/month

Contact Us today for a quote.

Email Marketing

Are you doing a good job staying in touch with your customers? Do they know about your next big promotion, or the exciting events that are going on within your company?

Whether you'd like to send out a weekly newsletter, or just put out the occasional ad to your clients, we can help you put together an email marketing campaign so that you can send information and promotions out to your customers and keep them in the loop.

Contact Us today for a quote.

We'd love to hear from you

Have a question, need a quote, or want to book an appointment?

Give us a call at 604-316-3836, drop us a line at, or fill out the form below.
